Investors of the Private Capital Markets

How do I qualify to be an investor on Hg Exchange?

The legal requirements for accredited and institutional investors to be eligible to trade on Hg Exchange.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

How do I sign up for an investor account on Hg Exchange?

How to create / open an account on our platform.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

What is the investment process on Hg Exchange?

A quick guide on how to buy or trade shares on our platform.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago
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Shareholders of Private Companies / Issuers that are keen to perform fundraising via HGX

I own shares of a private company. How do I list them on Hg Exchange?

How to start listing / selling your shares on Hg Exchange.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

Is there a minimum amount for each issuance or listing on Hg Exchange?

The minimum value required to issue or list your shares on the platform.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

Do I have to pay to use the exchange?

The fees involved in issuing and selling your shares on Hg Exchange.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago
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How to become a Member Firm of HGX?

Who qualifies to become a member of Hg Exchange?

The requirements for financial institutions to qualify / to be eligible to be a member of the exchange.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

How does the financial institution I represent become a member of Hg Exchange?

How your financial institution can apply to become a member.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago

Are there any fees associated with becoming a member of Hg Exchange?

The membership fees financial institutions have to pay to become a member of Hg Exchange.

Written by HGX
Updated 4 years ago
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